Delivery method instructions from Finland to abroad

Descriptions of delivery methods

The descriptions of delivery methods should clearly indicate:

  • The name of the courier company
  • Delivery location or method
  • Delivery cost
  • Delivery time

For delivery method options from Finland to abroad, it is recommended to use the name of Matkahuolto’s partner company operating in the destination country. In the Baltic countries, the partner is Omniva, in Sweden, it is Bring, and in other countries, it is GLS. You can see examples of implementations lower on this page.

Product names like International Pick-up Parcel (Ulkomaan Lähellä-paketti), International Home Parcel (Ulkomaan Kotijakelu), and International Business Parcel (Ulkomaan Jakopaketti) should not be visible to the end customer. If possible, please use a more detailed description of the delivery method. The necessary texts can be found below.

Delivery to a pick-up point

Parcels are delivered to pick-up points, and you will be notified as soon as your parcel is available for collection.

Delivery to home

Delivery to your door. You will be notified of incoming parcels by text message or email. With your permission, the shipment can be left at your doorstep without being signed for.

Delivery to business address

Delivery to your door during business hours. Delivery time and date cannot be agreed in advance.

Delivery method descriptions vary depending on the online store platform and whether Matkahuolto’s parcel point integration is used. Despite these differences, strive to describe the delivery options as clearly and informatively as possible for the customer. With Matkahuolto’s parcel point integration, parcel point details are automatically displayed to the end customer. Instructions for implementing the interface in the online store view can be found on our website.

Using the logo

For delivery method options from Finland to abroad, use the logo of Matkahuolto’s partner company operating in the destination country. In the Baltic countries, the partner is Omniva, in Sweden, it is Bring, and in other countries, it is GLS.

You can download the logos from here:




The placement of the logo in the online store view varies depending on the online store platform. If, for some reason, the partner company’s logo cannot be used in the international delivery method options, do not use any logo at all.


Below are examples of how the delivery method options should look. The views vary depending on the online store platform and whether Matkahuolto’s parcel point integration is used.

If Matkahuolto’s parcel point integration is used, parcel points and parcel lockers will be displayed to the end customer through the integration.

Shopify-style checkout, where each delivery provider’s home delivery, parcel point, or parcel locker is on its own line.

Checkout, where each delivery provider has their own list of options, so that the list of Matkahuolto’s parcel points or parcel lockers contains only Matkahuolto’s locations.

If the integration is not used, use the name and logo of Matkahuolto’s partner company, along with the texts Delivery to a pick-up point, Delivery to home, and Delivery to a business address. You can find the texts higher up on this page.

Checkout, where Matkahuolto’s parcel point search interface is not used, and therefore the consumer cannot select a parcel point or parcel locker in their area as the delivery destination when placing an order in the online store. Matkahuolto will select the delivery location closest to the home address and inform the consumer.