Delivery method instructions within Finland

Descriptions of delivery methods

The descriptions of delivery methods should clearly indicate:

  • Matkahuolto’s name
  • Delivery location or method
  • Delivery cost
  • Delivery time


Product names like Pick-up Parcel or Home Parcel should not be visible to the end customer. For the end customer, use the description Matkahuolto parcel point or automated parcel machine for Pick-up Parcel and Matkahuolto home delivery for Home Parcel. If possible, please use a more detailed description of the delivery method. The necessary texts can be found below.

Matkahuolto parcel point or Matkahuolto parcel locker

The parcel is delivered to a parcel point or parcel locker, typically within 1–2 business days. You will receive a notification when the parcel is ready for pickup.

Matkahuolto home delivery

The parcel is delivered to your door at an agreed time. You will receive a notification about the incoming parcel via SMS or email to arrange the delivery time.

Delivery method descriptions vary depending on the online store platform and whether Matkahuolto’s parcel point integration is used. Despite these differences, strive to describe the delivery options as clearly and informatively as possible for the customer. With Matkahuolto’s parcel point integration, parcel point details are automatically displayed to the end customer. Instructions for implementing the interface in the online store view can be found on our website.

Using the Matkahuolto logo

Use the Matkahuolto logo for all delivery method options. Primarily, use the white arch logo on a dark blue background. You can download the logo from here.

In exceptional cases, a text logo can be used if, for example, the arch logo is too large for the reserved image area. You can find the text logo and usage instructions here.

The placement of the logo in the online store view varies depending on the online store platform.

Download logos for delivery method options


Below are examples of how the delivery method options should look. The views vary depending on the online store platform and whether Matkahuolto’s parcel point integration is used.

If Matkahuolto’s parcel point integration is used, parcel points and parcel lockers will be displayed to the end customer through the integration.

Shopify-style checkout, where each delivery provider’s home delivery, parcel point, or parcel locker is on its own line.

Checkout, where each delivery provider has their own list of options, so that the list of Matkahuolto’s parcel points or parcel lockers contains only Matkahuolto’s locations.

If the integration is not used, use the texts Matkahuolto parcel point or parcel locker and Matkahuolto home delivery. You can find the texts higher up on this page.Lomakkeen alareuna

Checkout, where Matkahuolto’s parcel point search interface is not used, and therefore the consumer cannot select a parcel point or parcel locker in their area as the delivery destination when placing an order in the online store. Matkahuolto will select the delivery location closest to the home address and inform the consumer.